Successful sales organizations understand that there are many different people involved in the buying decisions of most companies. Departmental staff, purchasing, finance and executives are all involved. In addition, there may be many more people that influence those decision makers.

Salespeople who focus their efforts on the traditional decision makers within purchasing or the various departments overlook the fact that the executives run the business! Executives don't manage the budgets, they control them. They have the power to put you on the approved vendor list if you're not there today. They can overrule the "decision makers" and move in another direction if they choose. Most importantly, if you can sell the executive on the unique value that you provide to their business, competition and price may never become factors in their decision to buy from you.

Overlooking the importance of executive level selling can be a fatal flaw in your business strategy.

The Top 4 reasons salespeople don't sell to executives:

  1. They have been successful in the past without the executive's involvement . While this may be true, it overlooks the fact that competition may now be actively calling on and influencing the next decision.
  2. They believe that the executive deals with more important issues. In reality, executives want to be involved with key decisions that have an impact on their company's bottom line.
  3. They are afraid that they won't know what to say when they meet with the executive. This fear arises if they are used to selling products, features, or technology. They may not be comfortable discussing higher-level business issues.
  4. They can't get past the gatekeepers. Executive assistants have provided a barrier to access.

Crossland Partners can help you with each of those issues by developing a plan that establishes credibility early in the sales call. This technique:

  • Creates an environment where the discussion is centered on the executives business, and not your products.
  • Ensures that your solution defines your value from an executive perspective.
  • Eliminates the gatekeeper and secures an initial appointment.
  • Researches the company to uncover issues and topics of importance to the executive.
  • Identifies the desired outcome of the meeting and reasons to meet again.
  • Eliminates the gatekeeper and secures an initial appointment.